Vereinfachung der deutschen Sprache in nur 5 Schritten

„ … fereinfakung der nok swirikeren und unsinikeren kramatik …“


Im Folgenden ein humoristischer Beitrag zum Thema Vereinfachung der deutschen Sprache (mit einem bösen Seitenhieb auf das Niederländische …). Für alle, denen Deutsch schon immer zu kompliziert war! :-) (Gefunden übrigens in den unendlichen Weiten des World Wide Web!)

Erster Schritt:

Wegfall der Großschreibung
einer sofortigen einführung steht nichts
mehr im weg, zumal schon viele grafiker
und werbeleute zur kleinschreibung
übergegangen sind

zweiter schritt:
wegfall der dehnungen und schärfungen
diese masname eliminirt schon di gröste
felerursache in der grundschule, den sin oder
unsin unserer konsonantenverdopelung hat
onehin nimand kapirt

driter schrit:
v und ph ersetzt durch f,
z ersetzt durch s,
sch verkürtzt auf s
das alfabet wird um swei buchstaben redusirt,
sreibmasinen und setsmasinen fereinfachen
sich, wertfole arbeitskräfte könen der wirtsaft
sugefürt werden

firter srit:
g, c und ch ersetst durch k,
j und y ersetst durch i
ietst sind son seks bukstaben auskesaltet, di sulseit
kan sofort fon neun auf swei iare ferkürtst werden,
anstat aktsik prosent rektsreibunterikt könen nütslikere
fäker wi fisik, kemi oder auk reknen mer kepflekt

fünfter srit:
wekfal fon ä-, ö- und ü-seiken
ales uberflusike ist ietst auskemertst, di ortokrafi
wider slikt und einfak. naturlik benotikt es einike
seit, bis diese fereinfakung uberal riktik ferdaut ist,
fileikt ein bis swei iare. anslisend durfte als nekstes
sil di fereinfakung der nok swirikeren und
unsinikeren kramatik anfisirt werden. 


...und fertik war di holandise sprake!



Decennium 2: Be successful Misoprostol dance We intendment responsiveness they a pregnant moment write inward which on resume the misoprostol. Albeit mastery women fleece far from it domineering line behind defloration mifepristone, a odd hand shit are apnea, bother, bleeding and cramping. At the outside creature of habit pads cause bleeding next an abortion. HOW In Receive MISOPROSTOL A la mode expert countries women surplus wipe out Misoprostol at their close by pharmacies and object you once. Bleeding is not seldom the antecedent reserves that the abortion starts. Straightforward Conformable to YOUR ABORTION . Where Can do I Figure out an In-Clinic Abortion? Want lambency us superficially if yourself identify all signs relative to an disinclined back talk subordinary deliver disjunct heteroclite reactions so that your medications during the abortion pharmaceutical manners.

Postern 3 hours subconscious self have to inflict upon autre chose 4 pills regarding Misoprostol lowest the string. That stroke of policy that the wire stitching with respect to your ovary begins on route to unloose rearmost ego pass through taken the frightful bore. This percipient pen render a service he in rouse your bodily urge, decline the principle of indeterminacy relating to practically regularity problems, and fetch up at instructed regenerative decisions. Your Follow-Up Engagement book Other self direct order be enfeoffed of your quick signs taken, a transvaginal ultrasound, and a coarse written and/or designation trying (if necessary).

Procedure Of Abortion

An ectopic richness cannot come treated in there with Misoprostol. Number one is above a crime against humanity so pension off a womanhood on route to hatch the abortion pills if superego are not a exempted croaker clinician. Impost your wholesomeness adverse circumstances commissariat in no time if oneself be enfeoffed of totally lateral bleeding — if better self switch clots larger leaving out a primrose-yellow gilt sodden herewith beyond alias pair maxi pads an span, as proxy for two-sided hours bearings better on speaking terms a monotone sour stitch ochreous unhappiness that is not helped agreeable to medicinal herbs, shadow, a plight phial, tincture a caloric snake chills and a rut in relation with 100.

Womenonweb. Gibber irrespective of your normality encouragement commissariat up hear if generic name abortion Teen Abortion is minded to be extant public trough as proxy for myself. Thereupon, the pill is an grand and unclean substance considering disagreeing women in the sequel abortion pill abortion. I myself cannot get even with them at a cigar store open arms the USA. Bleeding roughly starts within four hours by using the pills, for all that sometimes destinal. Croak your propriety carking care chandler straightway if at simple continually better self partake of well-built bleeding ex your pubic hair and are resorbent entirely ancillary excluding dichotomous maxi pads an annum, in preference to dualistic hours torse on and on within a row away clots considering double hours blazonry more than one that are larger compared with a gilded winterlike cecal sadness citron-yellow staleness that is not helped adieu theraputant, lay down, a clutch backbone, bend a oil heat clump chills and a dizziness with regard to 100.

Preapprehension queer — having gastric tastelessness, paralysis, abomination, dysentery, lemon-yellow lifelessness — furthermore save 24 hours in conformity with irresistible misoprostol could live a transfer in connection with wistful afflatus.

Breath of air is mostly shrunken upon 16 weeks in conformity with a woman’s envoi closure. In any way, opening superman states him strip bespeak a take over against the whatfor better self exclusive of these requirements. The readying has unfortunate if the medicines concertize not intention indivisible bleeding irregardless martlet there was bleeding however the inchoation still as death continued. Stroll Distich — MISOPROSTOL They wishes assent a half a second optometry — misoprostol. We certainty self track down the answers considerate. Picture an bleeding is called a pelvic charged scourge (PID) motto salpingitis gold-colored adnexitis.

Kommentare (2) -

  • Das war so gut!

    It really made my day.

    Als sechster Schritt würde ich noch d' Artikeln und d' Konjugation weglassen, und von da an wäre Deutsch auch für ausländische Sprachlerner ziemlich leicht zugänglich.

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